Nora Koerber . California

Landscape Artist l Seascape | Ocean | Mountains | Forests | Western | Portraits


"My main style is Impressionistic Realism."

Bio and Shows with Bethany Stephan

Ms Koerber graduated from Art Center College of Design in 1984 and began a career in freelance illustration which lasted fifteen years. She then obtained her M.F.A. from C.S.U.L.A. in Design/ Illustration in 2004. For one year, she taught at Otis Art Institute, C.S.U.N., and L.A.C.S.H.A., then became employed full time at Storyborads Online from Fall 2005 to 2017. From 20217 to present, Ms Koerber has worked as a freelance comp artist and fine art painter.

After many years in the commercial illustration world, she has recently turned to creating fine art paintings and already has begun to win awards at local shows and be accepted into national shows, as well.



  • WAOW - Associate Member 2024

    Ms Koerber has been a member of numerous organizations over the years, holding positions of President:

  • Society of Illustrators, 2 years, 2000-2002

  • California Art League, 4 years, 2021-present


Nora Koeber

“"Truth and Beauty blended smoothly." ”

Nora Koerber
Contact Nora
Women Artists of the West Associate Member

Click the paintings below to view full size.

Laurie Pace

Child of God, Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Oma, Artist, Musician, Writer, Website Designer, Starch Strong Plant Based

Bethany Stephan . Arizona