Nora Koerber . California

Ms Koerber graduated from Art Center College of Design in 1984 and began a career in freelance illustration which lasted fifteen years. She then obtained her M.F.A. from C.S.U.L.A. in Design/ Illustration in 2004. For one year, she taught at Otis Art Institute, C.S.U.N., and L.A.C.S.H.A., then became employed full time at Storyborads Online from Fall 2005 to 2017. From 20217 to present, Ms Koerber has worked as a freelance comp artist and fine art painter.

After many years in the commercial illustration world, she has recently turned to creating fine art paintings and already has begun to win awards at local shows and be accepted into national shows, as well.

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Bethany Stephan . Arizona

Bethany Stephan is an American painter born in Hawaii and currently residing in Arizona. She creates landscapes and figurative paintings, working in oil on panels - drawn from her most precious memories of Hawaiian beaches with family and friends, or hiking the canyonlands of Arizona. The theme of her work is a combination of nostalgia, environmental awareness, and a desire to capture and preserve the natural beauty of the world in her paintings.

Bethany was introduced to art and oil painting by her artist grandmother, whose knowledge and inherited tools have proven themselves useful to today. Many happy afternoons were spent painting side by side and learning techniques from her.

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Oceans, Mountains, Forests, Western Art Laurie Pace Oceans, Mountains, Forests, Western Art Laurie Pace

Elaine Mathews . California

Elaine Mathews was born in Lakeview, Ohio, in 1941. This same year her family moved to Compton, California. Her formative years were spent drawing and painting the changing light and shadows cast by the sun on the San Gabriel Mountains.

She holds a B.A. in studio art from California State University, Long Beach, and a M.A. from Azuza Pacific University. Elaine is also co-chairperson of Calif. Art Club desert chapter.

Elaine retired as Chairperson of the Art Department at Savanna High School in Anaheim, California, in order to devote more time to painting.

Her favorite subjects are the coast, mountains and deserts of California. Elaine’s art work is included in the art collections of Nissan Motor Corporation, AVCO Financial and many private collections.

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Sheryl Knight . Central Pacific Coast

Sheryl Knight is an award-winning plein air artist.

She is also known as the “Central Coast Vineyard Artist” and is best known for her vibrant oil paintings and strong expressive style. She has lived on the California Central Coast most of her life, but grew up in Northern California where she learned to love nature and the outdoors. By far her favorite subject is the landscape around her, including vineyards, pastures, seascapes, tall trees, and often with some architecture for added interest.

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