Oceans, Mountains, Forests, Western Art Laurie Pace Oceans, Mountains, Forests, Western Art Laurie Pace

Elaine Mathews . California

Elaine Mathews was born in Lakeview, Ohio, in 1941. This same year her family moved to Compton, California. Her formative years were spent drawing and painting the changing light and shadows cast by the sun on the San Gabriel Mountains.

She holds a B.A. in studio art from California State University, Long Beach, and a M.A. from Azuza Pacific University. Elaine is also co-chairperson of Calif. Art Club desert chapter.

Elaine retired as Chairperson of the Art Department at Savanna High School in Anaheim, California, in order to devote more time to painting.

Her favorite subjects are the coast, mountains and deserts of California. Elaine’s art work is included in the art collections of Nissan Motor Corporation, AVCO Financial and many private collections.

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Trees, Sunsets, Pastels, Landscapes, Flowers, People, Lakes, Ponds Laurie Pace Trees, Sunsets, Pastels, Landscapes, Flowers, People, Lakes, Ponds Laurie Pace

Joey Frisillo . Oklahoma

Joey grew up in Ft Wayne, Indiana and pursued her early love of drawing as a Fine Art major at Miami University of Ohio. Her journey in the world of art took a detour when she moved to Colorado and followed a career path in oil and gas exploration spanning 25 years in Denver and then in Tulsa, OK. Joey’s artistic outlet during those years was photography. “Composing a good photograph is much like composing a good painting; both must read well and tell an interesting story.” After retiring, she eagerly returned to art and was pleased to see that old talents could be renewed. She has immersed herself in painting and enjoys both pastel and oil as mediums for her realistic style

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Mountains, Trees, Water, Sunsets, Arizona, Pastels, Landscapes Laurie Pace Mountains, Trees, Water, Sunsets, Arizona, Pastels, Landscapes Laurie Pace

Kathy Falla Howard . Arizona

Only beginning my art journey 10 years ago, it was born out of a desire to capture the beauty before me, especially with the immersive experience of plein air painting.

More important than my academic training, I feel fortunate to have learned so much from some of the best artists and teachers in the country including Lorenzo Chavez, Kim Lordier, Jill Carver, Skip Whitcomb, Eric Merrell and Matt Smith. Through these teachers I have discovered a true connection to the beauty of the landscape through plein air painting, or simply, painting outside, the thrill of capturing the light and consuming the beauty before me. To me, handling the pure pigment of pastels is fascinating and beautiful, offering the ability for delicate glazing creating a vibration of color not possible with other mediums.”

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