Trees, Sunsets, Pastels, Landscapes, Flowers, People, Lakes, Ponds Laurie Pace Trees, Sunsets, Pastels, Landscapes, Flowers, People, Lakes, Ponds Laurie Pace

Joey Frisillo . Oklahoma

Joey grew up in Ft Wayne, Indiana and pursued her early love of drawing as a Fine Art major at Miami University of Ohio. Her journey in the world of art took a detour when she moved to Colorado and followed a career path in oil and gas exploration spanning 25 years in Denver and then in Tulsa, OK. Joey’s artistic outlet during those years was photography. “Composing a good photograph is much like composing a good painting; both must read well and tell an interesting story.” After retiring, she eagerly returned to art and was pleased to see that old talents could be renewed. She has immersed herself in painting and enjoys both pastel and oil as mediums for her realistic style

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