Cowboys | Wildlife | Western Sculpture | Figurative Sculpture | Horses | Bison | Buffalo | American Indians


“As a lifelong artist I have worked in many mediums. Currently I create in wood and bronze. I design and carve doors, mantles and furniture… and sculpt and cast in bronze. My work often has  a western flair, though it is not limited to that style.” Donna Merchant Crooks

Bio and Galleries

with Donna Merchant Crooks

Donna Merchant-Crooks has a kinship with nature, where she finds solace and inspiration. She spent years cooking and pulling mule strings in Idaho’s wilderness, developing an appreciation for the rare and untouched.

Merchant-Crooks is a self-taught artist and her creativity is easily sparked. Ask her if she has worked in an particular medium and if she hasn’t she’ll reply, “not yet”. She believes a person can do anything in increments. Her large and diverse body of work proves this.

Today, Merchant-Crooks’ wilderness is the San Juan Mountains of southern Colorado at the base of Wolf Creek Pass. Her shop and studio are located on the 2Boss Lady Ranch. Raising hay and farm animals and building endless fences, Merchant-Crooks and her partner enjoy a very peaceful environment. Most of her work is commissioned and can be found in collectors’ homes and businesses across the United States.


Donna Merchant Crooks Fine Artist


Wood and Bronze

Donna Merchant Crooks
Email Donna

Membership Chair WAOW
Associate Member WAOW

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Laurie Pace

Child of God, Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Oma, Artist, Musician, Writer, Website Designer, Starch Strong Plant Based

Cheryl Harley Volz . Colorado


Margaret Drake . Texas